I know this is quite off topic from what I normally write about, however, I feel it is very much inline with martial art philosophy and outlook, which is very important and pertinent to the correct practice of Kung Fu and Tai Chi. Martial arts are meant to deal with combat, and being that combat is something that few have experienced and even fewer decide to write about, I figured I'd share my response with everyone. Today on going to church I listened to a very moving sermon summarizing a classic sermon which was given by Dr. Fosdick back in Nov. 12th, 1933 titled "The Unknown Soldier" I will attach the original sermon in PDF at the end of this blog post for you to read and reference. Enjoy my friends and as usual comment, like and share. Thanks. 11/27/2016 A response to the UU Sermon on Dr. Fosdick’s “The Unknown Soldier” |
Your AuthorDaniel R. Hyde
Licensed Massage Therapist OIF, OEF Veteran U.S. Marine Corps Instructor of: Kwan Ying Do Kung Fu Tai Chi Chuan Chi Kung Tui Na, Chinese Massage Thai Massage Shiatsu, Japanese Massage Archives
May 2021
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